Make a regular donation by downloading this form and sending it to your bank
Please consider a regular donation to Ndi Moyo. We are a small charity with running costs of approximately £130,000 a year. What you give will make an enormous difference.
Make a one-off donation
employer-matched giving
Many companies will match or even double their employees’ donations to charity. Please contact your Human Resources department to find out if you can increase support to Ndi Moyo through employer-matched giving.
pay-roll giving
Payroll Giving is a flexible scheme which allows anyone who pays UK income tax to give regularly and on a tax-free basis. Payroll Giving donations are deducted before tax so for every £4 that you give, we will receive £5. If you are a higher-rate tax payer we will receive £5 for every £3 that you donate. Please talk to your workplace about payroll giving to Ndi Moyo.